Sunday, November 8, 2015

Fall and Football

When you are married to a high school football coach, you have football season tickets to your college and your son plays college football, you have a life that revolves around planning around ... guess, yea, football.

Right off, there is the schedule. The actual schedule. In the summer, we write out the games, times, places. I also make notes of when we need sitters for the girls. And, I look at work schedules to find out what travel works and what doesn't.

Once the schedule is scheduled, seasons begin. The season doesn't start with the first game. Oh no, there are summer practices, game day attire shopping, pre-season pep rallies and back to season parties. All fun, all something that happens every year. But this year is different. My son didn't play high school ball so I didn't have the required commitments ... Pep rallies, locker decorating, send offs, spirit lines, spirit bags and on and on. And, since he is in college, we have hotel reserving and travel planning to work through.

Then, the first game and all the other games. Hot weather, rainy weather, cold weather, windy weather. Day games, night games. Away games, home games. Loads of variables to take I to consideration as we plan. Do we eat before the high school game at home or meet friends at a restaurant? Do we get cash to buy food at the concession stand? Do I sneak in waters, juices and snacks? Food planning alone for a game takes some, yep, planning. If we are going to Waco, we have to put together tailgating goodies. That requires some serious planning because I usually have to cook the day before -- Friday night games make that super simple -- and get up early -- win or lose -- to pack up the ice chest for the trip out of town.

Then, clothes. Some games, we pack extra layers or umbrellas and rain gear. Blankets make it into the bag, too, for some games. Oh, and we toss PJs in the car for a quick change after games. For the girls, not me. All a part of th planning.

Activities are a part of the games. The girls need Barbies, coloring books, markers and books to read. I carry a big bag.

Did I write planning already?

Traveling to Chris' games are almost the easiest. Never mind, what was I thinking as I wrote those words. His games were at 6 p.m. Mondays this year. Mondays not Saturdays. I work so I have to plan my schedule and make sure I have gas and am sure we have a sitter for the girls (unless of course, if it works out to take them) and have my clothes for the game in my car and have something to eat and have anything Chris needs. Yes, again, with the planning.

Then, after all the planning, arranging and organizing, the season ends. The high school games stop first. Then, Chris' games. Then, Baylor. Blink. Done.

In the midst of a season, it's busy. We are on the go, moving, running around. Then, it's over. We take a day or twos on one down from the high school season. Baylor is easier to finish. Not sure how we'll handle the end of Chris' season.

People ask how I do it. I respond with my tips on scheduling. I'm always thinking ahead to the next day, the next game.

So when a fourth part comes together on a Friday or Saturday, I take it in. I take a big breath, turn on the TV and end up watching football. It's the fall, it's what we do.

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